since 2008, our esteemed captain fantastic has been linked - almost every week - with a move back to his boyhood club Barcelona. On every occasion, members of Barca's backroom staff, players or hierarchy, are quoted as saying 'Cesc had Barca DNA' or 'He belongs to Barcelona'
well, no, not really. does he?...he certainly doesnt belong to you...
repeat offenders include President Sandro Rosell, Barcelona's very own captain Carlos Puyol and Xavi. amongs others...
Everytime they have flirted with him, even attempted to force him into wearing a Barca shirt during their World Cup win.
In reply, each time the Arsenal board politely told them to screw off. Not just because ALL of their offers were derisory, but that Cesc was the heart of Arsenal Football Club. Though apparently because he was theirs to begin with they'll be able to get a 'discount' on him.
.....excuse me. I just had to stop typing as I was laughing so hard.
Barcelona are treating Arsenal like the girl you fancy but just wont go out with you, no matter how hard or many times you try.
Rosell: 'Heres another derisory offer. Can we have Cesc now?'
Arsenal: 'No'
few weeks later:
Rosell: 'Heres another slightly better (but still disgraceful) offer. Can we have him now?'
Arsenal: 'No. and Fuck off'
so the trend keeps on over weeks and months, nee years. Finally they get so sick of it, they decide to cave and allow it to happen. Which in this case, now looks very likely.
But NOT certain.
Normally I would be against his sale, but this time I think its right for him to go. He has served us fantastically, but last season, two things spring to mind. I think there has to be questions asked over his injury problems, particularly his groin and thigh issues which cropped up long term twice last season.
The other point would be that his heart appears to be elsewhere. he certainly - on the face of it - doesnt appear to be busting a gut as he would a few years ago. indicative of man with thoughts elsewhere.
Of all our players Cesc is not far short of irreplacable. But. a Cesc who wants to play for another team, is. The only logical conclusion is for Arsenal and Francesc Fabregas - after a fantastic yet unsuccessful period - to part ways.
And ive got to say it will be hard for me to do. But by no means impossible....
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